Ready Player One by Ernest Cline follows the teenage Wade Watts in the year 2044. Even though the story takes place in the future it primarily deals with the past; the 1980s. Feel free to read on, I will not include any spoilers. Everything so far is found on the back cover or in the first chapter.
The story is addicting. Cline is good at giving little pieces along the way that keep you reading. I have read the book every chance I can get. The book is 400 pages long and keeps you engaged the whole way!
The story revolves around the future dystopian society that the earth has turned into, due to many of the current issues: climate change, energy crisis, burning fossil fuels, wealth inequality, and more. A dystopian society is a horrible society that is the opposite of what we strive for. It can be thought of as the opposite of a Utopian society, which is perfect. Dystopian stories have been popular for a few years now. Think of the Hunger Games, The Giver, Divergent series, and The Road to name a few.
In the dystopian society there exists a utopian escape, the massive multiplayer online (MMO) game that everyone plays OASIS. The creator of OASIS created a competition before he died. Whoever finds the clues hidden in the game will inherit the fortune left after his death. For people in a dystopian society, this is their only chance to move up in life.
Wade is one of millions of players looking for the clues to the contest. He is an average nerd with a good heart living in a terrible situation, like most of humanity. The 1980s play a big part because the inventor of OASIS grew up in the 80s and that is the only hint available for the clues. They discuss 80s culture, music, movies, trends, and everything else. The 80s are making a comeback, if not in the real world definitely in literature and television.
If you are on the fence about the story, definitely check it out! You will find something to love in either Wade, his experience, the 80s, or nerd culture. There is also word that this will be made into a major motion picture directed by Steven Spielberg.
One of the best books of 2016. One of the hardest books to put down I have read in a long time. Download a sample and get hooked.
The book is available in paperback, audio book, and on your kindle.
Ready Player One (Kindle Edition)
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