The Los Angeles Diaries: A Memoir
James Brown is an American novelist and English professor living in California. The Los Angeles Diaries was first published in 2003 and received many awards. The book is taught in many universities across the US, including Harvard. I first read this book as a freshman in college and could not put it down. I spent the next three years trying to take a class by Professor Brown and finally managed to in my last quarter as an undergrad. He is a natural storyteller that can make you laugh and cry at the same time. The Los Angeles Diaries is a memoir about his life as an addict. The difference between a memoir and an autobiography is that a memoir covers only a certain time period or events where an autobiography covers most of the authors life. This book focuses on events surrounding addiction in his family.
The stories major themes are family, drugs and addiction. This may seem like a very depressing book but the story is about perseverance. When the professor found out I had read his book he asked me what I thought. The only word that came to mind was Powerful. The story telling is powerful, the themes are powerful and the lessons learned are powerful.
James Brown is an intimidating figure due to his growing up in a dysfunctional family where his siblings committed suicide to his years as a drug addict all while trying to be a writer and teacher in a university. Brown revisits the idea that he is a fraud as a professor in his memoir, because of his personal demons, again and again. He is very self deprecating in person but he is a great story teller. In class he would tell us stories that were not included in his books. His class was one of the most memorable that I have ever had. He writes about being self conscious as a professor but this makes him a great professor. He tries very hard to help each of his students to learn and improve in their writing.
James Brown is almost a contradiction. He is a very successful writer and has overcome personal addiction and tragedy in his family, yet he is one of the nicest people to talk to. He appreciates life and goes out of his way to form personal connections with his students. Even though he is no longer a drug user, addiction is still an overwhelming theme in his writings and in conversation. He says regularly that he is lucky to be alive.
The Los Angeles Diaries is a wonderful memoir about perseverance and coming to terms with life’s tragedies. The book has just been reissued to coincide with his new book, This River
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